1.Volumes were exceptionally heavy as hedge funds, which had bid aggressively for IPO allocations, sought to turn a quick profit.
2.Few traders could be pushing up the markets to turn a quick profit, as demand continues to be weak.
3.Coal mine accidents are common in China, where work safety is often neglected by bosses seeking a quick profit.
4.It was time for the world to jettison the stereotype of Indians in Africa as shopkeepers out to make a quick profit.
5.And there were some who engaged in the rampant exploitation of consumers to turn a quick profit no matter who was hurt in the process.
6.Hariri has found that people whose brains respond like mine tend to crave the immediate gratification of a quick profit.
7.Regulations were gutted for the sake of a quick profit at the expense of a healthy market.
8.Flipper A short-term investor or day trader who buys pre IPO shares , swiftly spinning them out into public markets for a quick profit .
9.Art speculating, buying a piece on a whim to turn a quick profit, has lost many people lots of money.
10.They are right now lining their pockets with a quick profit they are right now making their dictatorial dreams come true .